One of the first things I say to our couples when they come to us in a panic is, “It’s okay, you’ve never done this before.”
And most of the time, they haven’t. Even if this is their second marriage, the market has dramatically changed in the last 5 years, so chances are good that the environment they planned wedding #1 in was much different than it is now.
I am used to being the person that people go to for answers when they are lost, stressed, and overwhelmed. I am used to having plans A, B, and C in my back pocket, ready to go at a moments notice.

But then I started going through a divorce, and suddenly I am amongst those thrown into the deep end without a flotation device.
Much like the season of engagement, you get bombarded with calls, texts, and emails from friends and loved ones asking “how it happened”, and “what are you going to do?”
Also like the engagement season, you seem to spend a lot of time on your computer— at least I did. But instead of pinning color palettes and bridesmaid dress ideas, I was googling things like ‘how long do you receive alimony payments’ and ‘is sharing custody of dogs a thing?’— neither of which are NEARLY as exciting to research, I’m here to tell you.
Basically what it boils down to is this: if you’re going to go through actual court proceedings, both parties need to acquire a lawyer, and most communication should go through your legal counsel. If you’re going the more amicable route, which we were opting for, you get a wholeeeee lot of “it’s whatever you and your ex can agree upon”.
Right. Well. About that.
What do you do if ultimately you don’t agree on basically anything, except the fact that you don’t want to go to court?
In comes my million dollar idea of the divorce planner. Because what I would GIVE for a checklist here and there, and someone to review contracts for me to make sure I’m overpaying or missing something.
And I know what you’re thinking— that’s what lawyers are for— but just like brides don’t tend to love the idea of their planner working with 50 other clients at a time, because when they go into a panic, they need help now, soon to be divorced people feel the same way!
I don’t want a response to an email in 3-5 business days. I don’t make my clients wait that long, so I don’t want that to be my client experience either!
So I’m putting it out in the universe for some other entrepreneur to pick up the torch and turn into a fantastically successful business — the divorce planner.
I personally, don’t have the capacity to help serve others in that way, but I still think the idea is valid! So who’s it gonna be?