Planning a wedding can be overwhelming-- I completely get that. But despite selecting the venue, photographer, and table linens, you can’t forget about the sentimental details that will tie the day together.
Is your spouse from Kentucky? Maybe you should bury a bottle of bourbon to ward off omens of bad weather for your wedding. Did your mother and grandmother wear the same veil on their wedding days? Maybe you want to wear the same veil.
Our wedding photographer was awesome about reminding me to gather my wedding jewelry, copies of our invitation suite and vows, and any other mementos that were important for her to capture and place them in one central location for her to find the day of the wedding.
TIP: Once this bag is returned to you, make sure you get everything out of it before the ceremony. Because hypothetically, you could leave the bag of all of your most important wedding details (including your wedding ring), at your mom’s dance studio, causing you to either have to delay the ceremony or get married with someone else’s ring. IF that were to happen-- get married with someone else’s ring. No one will ever know, until you write a blog post about it.
Every wedding pro has their favorite aspects of the wedding day, and for me, it’s the wedding details that were so painstakingly picked out. Did you use lace from your mom’s wedding gown to wrap around the stems of your bouquet? Does each groomsmen have a personalized set of cufflinks? Those details can go unnoticed by your guests, and yet, they contribute so much more to the overall story of the wedding day.
So if there’s something specific that you are including in your wedding day, be sure to share those stories-- with your planner, your photographer, even with your wedding party and guests! This is the time when all of your closest friends are gathered to celebrate your love story, and it helps them to know you just a little bit more personally when they see the details that you select for your wedding day.